Pain with intercourse (Dyspareunia) is superficial or deep pain perceived within the pelvis before, during or after vaginal intercourse. Dyspareunia onset can be primary, meaning intercourse has always been painful, or secondary, meaning there was a period of pain free intercourse preceding the onset. The cause off onset is different for everyone.
Dyspareunia affects women of all ages, with young women the most likely to be affected.
Post-menopausal women and postnatal women are also frequently affected with an alarming 70% of women reporting painful intercourse one year postnatal, with c-section deliveries being three times more likely. Dyspareunia is usually multifactorial but often a combination of skin, hormonal, muscular and psychological factors.
At WIF we are extremely passionate about helping women with Dyspareunia as its impact on a woman and her relationship can be huge. We understand that seeking help for pelvic floor conditions can be difficult so we ensure that we treat women with the up most respect and empathy.
Understanding what is causing your symptoms will identify optimal treatment strategies for you. Treatment options may include:
Internal vaginal release techniques
External manual therapy for musculoskeletal dysfunction
Exercise prescription
Mental health and sleep hygiene
Referral to other health care practitioners for further management such as medical, psychological or sexual therapy
Skin conditions
Episiotomy or tears
Vaginal delivery or c-section
Pelvic or abdominal medical procedures or surgery
Hormonal imbalance
Endometriosis or other persistent pelvic pain conditions
Pelvic organ prolapse
Psychological and social challenges can contribute making symptoms worse
A history of sexual abuse